Waste Tag Dispute

Trouble finding the address?

If the address you're looking for doesn't appear, try different combinations of the address and postcode.

For instance, to find Flat 3, 20 Scott's Street, Annan DG12 6JG try:

  • DG126JG - postcodes are the best searches and can have spaces or not
  • DG12 6JG 20 - postcodes and house numbers should be enough
  • 20 DG12 6JG - the order doesn't matter
  • 3 DG12 6JG - words like 'FLAT' may not appear in the official property name
  • 3 Scotts - don't worry about apostrophes, the search ignores them
  • 20 Sco - unsure of the spelling? Try just the first few characters

Missed collection address

When is your normal collection day?
What tag did you receive?

Do you receive an assisted collection?

Please provide your contact details in case we need to contact you about this service.

DGC Fault Reporting Application | Version 2.5 | Last build 08/12/2023