Annual Canvass Of Electors

Friday, 08 July 2022 11:41

The Electoral Registration Officer is required by law to carry out a household canvass each year to find out who is eligible to vote at every address in Dumfries and Galloway. This year the canvass starts the week of 11 July 2022, when the Electoral Registration Officer will issue to emails to those households for which he holds an email address.

Hard copy communications will be issued in late July into early August over a 4-week period.

When households receive their canvass communication it is essential that residents check the details to ensure they are correct and advise us of any changes as soon as possible.

Where we hold an email address for a household, we will email the canvass communication in order to minimise postage costs. If we do not have an email address, a paper form will be sent.

All emails require a response, however, some paper forms do not so please follow the instructions given.

If you receive a paper form which indicates that you do need to respond please do so promptly as we are required by law to send reminder letters and follow up with telephone calls or household visits to non-responders.

If you would prefer to vote by post in future elections, please request a postal vote when responding to the form or email we send you. A postal vote application form will then be sent to you and all you need to do is complete and sign it and return it to us. You can then vote from home in future.